Archiminy: Your Premier Destination for Exquisite Floor Plan Designs on Fiverr

 Welcome to Archiminy, where we turn your architectural dreams into reality with our world-class floor plan designs! If you're looking for meticulously crafted, visually stunning, and highly functional floor plans, you’ve come to the right place. As a top-rated designer on Fiverr, I specialize in creating floor plans that not only meet but exceed your expectations.

Contact Me: Archiminy on Fiverr

Why Choose Archiminy?

1. Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in architecture and design, I bring a wealth of knowledge to every project. My background ensures that each floor plan is both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. I stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in the industry to deliver cutting-edge designs.

2. Customization at Its Best: At Archiminy, I understand that every client has unique needs and preferences. I offer highly personalized services to ensure your floor plan reflects your vision. Whether you need a layout for a residential property, a commercial space, or an office, I tailor my designs to suit your specific requirements.

3. Attention to Detail: I believe that the magic lies in the details. From the placement of windows and doors to the flow of spaces and the harmony of proportions, I pay meticulous attention to every element. This ensures a cohesive and functional design that maximizes space utilization and enhances the living or working experience.

4. User-Friendly and Functional Designs: A beautiful floor plan is useless if it’s not functional. I prioritize user experience by creating layouts that are intuitive and practical. My designs facilitate easy movement, efficient use of space, and a harmonious balance between different areas.

Contact Me: Archiminy on Fiverr

5. Comprehensive Services: Archiminy offers a wide range of services to cater to all your floor plan needs. This includes:

  • 2D Floor Plans: Clear and detailed layouts that provide a straightforward representation of your space.
  • 3D Floor Plans: Visually engaging models that bring your design to life, allowing you to visualize the final outcome in three dimensions.
  • Site Plans: Detailed plans that include the surrounding environment, landscaping, and site-specific features.
  • Blueprints: Professional-grade blueprints that are ready for construction and permit applications.

6. Fast Turnaround and Reliable Communication: I understand the importance of deadlines. I pride myself on delivering high-quality designs within the agreed timeframe. My communication is prompt and transparent, ensuring you are kept in the loop throughout the design process.

7. Affordable Pricing: Quality design doesn’t have to break the bank. I offer competitive pricing that provides exceptional value for money. Various packages are available to suit different budgets, without compromising on quality.

8. Positive Client Feedback: My clients' satisfaction is a testament to my commitment to excellence. With numerous positive reviews and repeat clients, Archiminy has built a reputation for reliability and superior design quality on Fiverr.

Contact Me: Archiminy on Fiverr

The Process:

  1. Initial Consultation: We start with a discussion to understand your needs, preferences, and project specifics. This can be done through a Fiverr chat or a detailed questionnaire.

  2. Concept Development: Based on our discussion, I create initial concept sketches. This stage allows for revisions and feedback to ensure we’re on the right track.

  3. Detailed Design: Once the concept is approved, I develop detailed floor plans. This includes all necessary specifications, dimensions, and annotations.

  4. Final Delivery: The completed floor plan is delivered in your preferred format (PDF, DWG, JPG, etc.). I also offer post-delivery support for any minor adjustments or questions.


"Archiminy transformed my vague ideas into a stunning floor plan that was both beautiful and practical. The attention to detail was incredible, and the final design exceeded my expectations. Highly recommended!" - Jane D.

"The 3D floor plan Archiminy created for my office space was amazing. It really helped me visualize the space, and the layout was perfect for our needs. Excellent service and communication!" - Michael S.

Get Started:

Ready to bring your vision to life? Contact Archiminy on Fiverr today and let’s start creating your dream floor plan. Whether you have a clear idea of what you want or need guidance to develop your concept, I am here to help. Click on the "Order Now" button and let’s embark on this exciting design journey together!

Join the growing list of satisfied clients and experience the Archiminy difference. Your perfect floor plan is just a click away!


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